Sunday, April 5, 2009

Light software stack for legacy : JOSH

quick blog

gray lens man proposed a software stack : JOSH

cited from his article:

Json delivers on what XML promised. Simple to understand, effective data markup accessible and usable by human and computer alike. Serialization/Deserialization is on par with or faster then XML, Thrift and Protocol Buffers. Sure I'm losing XSD Schema type checking, SOAP and WS-* standardization. I'm taking that trade.

OSGi a standardized dynamic, modular framework for versioned components and services. Pick a logger component, a HTTP server component, a ??? component, add your own internal components and you have a dedicated application solution. Micro deployment with true replacement. What am I giving up? The monolithic J2EE application servlet loaded with 25 frameworks, SCA and XML configuration hell. Taking the trade.

HTTP is simple, effective, fast enough, and widely supported. I'm tired of needlessly complex and endless proprietary protocols to move simple data from A to B with all the accompanying firewall port insanity. Yes, HTTP is not perfect. But I'm taking this trade where I can as well.

All interfaces will be simple REST inspired APIs based on HTTP+JSON. This is an immediate consequence of the JOSH stack.

Scala is by far the toughest, yet the easiest selection in the JOSH stack. I wrestled far more with the JSON or XML or Thrift or Protocol Buffers decision.

that's cool to be used for solving legacy problems

JOSH, or JOSCH where C could stand for eight "scala" or "coughDB" which can be used to integrated persistent layer.

read the original "stack proposal":

1 comment:

  1. Have you saved a copy of ? The original is gone!
